Sharing The Love of Jesus

Sharing The Love of Jesus

Monday, January 25, 2010

Curiosity Strikes Again

You know how parents always say, "You'll never truly know what its like to have kids until you have kids of your own." Well I think I'm getting some good practice in on how curious kids really are.

I had just gotten my class to line up when all of the sudden one of my students comes over and starts tapping me saying, "Miss Miss Goodman’s arm is stuck!" My first thought was his arm is stuck in the book shelf near by but I was definitely wrong with that conclusion. You know those huge rolls of paper with the whole in the middle. I mean come on you know you have looked at one before and thought to yourself, "I wonder if my arm could fit in there." Well that is exactly what Goodman did. As I gave a little tug to pull his arm out the paper roll, the paper would just get tighter. I knew if I drew to much attention all of my class would get out of line and come over to see what all the commotion was about. So I turned Goodman around and said stay here and don't move. I quickly explained the next assignment and sent the class back to the classroom. I turned right around to try and figure out how I was going to get Goodman's arm out of the paper roll when I see him slowly walking out the door rubbing his arm and acting as if nothing had ever happened.

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