Sharing The Love of Jesus

Sharing The Love of Jesus

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Prayer Answered

About two Saturdays ago, Troy, Sacha, Sharla, and I went to ladder beach. It is a very beautiful beach with lots of rock and coral. The last time I had been there was when the five of us girls were together still.
Sharla and I thought Troy and Sacha would enjoy one part of the beach where there the waves hit the rocks and splashes you a bit. We went over to the spot and watched the waves for a bit. As we were standing there we were talking about what would happen if you were to fall in. All of us said you would die but if you did happen to make it you wouldn’t look the same when you got out. The only way we thought that you could maybe get out was by swimming out and then swimming back in the sandy beach side.
After about 10 min we decided to leave. Just as we were leaving a big wave started to come our way. Sharla yells out “hey guys we should probably grab onto the rocks because this looks like a really big wave.” We all quickly grabbed onto the rocks as the wave hit us. It happened so fast that I don’t really remember how big it was but they all said it was over our heads. As the wave hit us against the rocks and the water started going back into the ocean, I turned around I see Sharla slowing slipping over the edge and at the last second she jumps out so that she doesn’t land on the sharp rocks. I begin screaming “NOOOOO, NOOOOO!!!!!!!” I am thinking that I will see my friend die right before my eyes and there is nothing I can do to save her. But out of no where she pops up and starts swimming out away from the rocks. She said that she could hear me screaming bloody murder screams and that’s what made it click fast that she needed to start swimming out fast. As we run to the sandy part of the beach where she was swimming over to, we made sure to keep a close eye on her.
Once we arrived at the beach we began calling her to swim in but she yelled to us that she couldn’t because the waves would pull back and all she could see was sharp coral. She knew if she took the chance of swimming in she would be worse off than if she were to just tread water until a boat came. We quickly ran over to a man on the beach and asked him if he had a cell phone and if so he needed to call 911. He said his house was about a block away and he would call.
As we watched Sharla we began praying and praying that she would be ok and make it out safe. It had been about 30 min since she had fallen in and there was still no boat. We knew she had to be getting tired. Then out of no where she was gone. 1 wave went by, then 2, then 3 and there was no Sharla in sight. Finally out of no where Sharla’s head pops up out of the water.
It is now 40 min and still no boat. Not until 45 min from the time she fell in did we see the boat. They threw a life ring out to her and pulled her in. She climbed up the ladder of the boat and then clasped in the boat from being so exhausted. Praise God that she only had a few cuts on her feet and arms!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Michael Jackson is Back!!!!!

Who ever said Michael Jackson died? Well he's still alive in our class. One of my students is obsessed with him. He is always singing Michael Jackson songs and doing the dance moves. Finally I was able to record it today. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do every time I see it!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Epic Moment of the Year

It was about time for dismissal. As I told the class to bow their heads for prayer I quickly put my hands together with a clap. When I did this a few of my students followed me by clapping their hands together for prayer. Out of nowhere one of my students quickly stands up from his seat and with his hands in the air says, "Come on everyone, cheer for me!!! Kento, Kento, Kento!!!" The class roared with excitement cheering this student on. I started to laugh and the more I laughed the louder the cheering got. I couldn't believe it! What just seemed like a simple clap for prayer quickly turned into a chant for a student. This definitely ended my day with a smile.


For Bible class I decided to change it up a bit. This particular day I decided to play a little game of Pictionary. I had one student come up and draw and each team had to figure out what Bible story they were drawing. One of my students was drawing a particular figure on the board when all of the sudden one of my students started waving his hand wildly. I called on him to answer and this was his response, "Miss, Miss, I know it! It's when the wise men brought Frankenstein!!!" Hmmm, I guess don't seem to recall hearing about Frankenstein in the Bible. Maybe it’s a new translation ;0)